Thread: Roasted Chicken
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Roasted Chicken

"Giusi" > wrote in message
> "ViLco" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> I'm sure>> the chicken is fine but those burnt bits on the skin ruin
>>> the>> presentation for me.

>> Mmmmmmmmm, "burnt"... they just look "crunchy" to me

Yes, burnt is crunchy but not a nice crunchy.

> They are the herbs she used.

Fresh herbs belong inside the cavity or at least *under* the skin.... dried
herbs on the outside should be powdered or well rubbed. Burnt leaves are no
enhancement to flavor or visual. If one wants fresh herbs on the outside
they should be applied *after* roasting. Carborized parsley or whatever
fresh herb she used is plain nasty. I like to eat nicely browned roast
chicken skin but not when it's burnt... those burnt bits ruin it for eating
and just don't look very nice. The chicken skin looks perfectly roasted
except for those burnt bits of whatever. This is just a constructive
criticism only for the benefit of those wishing to learn; do not place fresh
herbs on the outside of any meat one will roast/fry. Even the dumbest dago
knows to place the fresh herbs inside the saw-seege casing.