Roasted Chicken
"aem" > wrote in message
On Jul 27, 10:15 am, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> Fresh herbs belong inside the cavity or at least *under* the skin....
> dried
> herbs on the outside should be powdered or well rubbed. Burnt leaves are
> no
> enhancement to flavor or visual. If one wants fresh herbs on the outside
> they should be applied *after* roasting. Carborized parsley or whatever
> fresh herb she used is plain nasty. I like to eat nicely browned roast
> chicken skin but not when it's burnt... those burnt bits ruin it for
> eating
> and just don't look very nice. The chicken skin looks perfectly roasted
> except for those burnt bits of whatever. This is just a constructive
> criticism only for the benefit of those wishing to learn; do not place
> fresh
> herbs on the outside of any meat one will roast/fry. Even the dumbest dago
> knows to place the fresh herbs inside the saw-seege casing.
For roasting and grilling whole chickens, I like to insert a compound
butter under the breast and thigh skin. Sometimes with herbs,
sometimes with garlic, sometimes with citrus. Dry rubs also work,
particularly for grilling. But I agree that fresh herbs simply
sprinkled on the outside surface is not effective. -aem
Yes, all good, I like to place thin slices of citrus under the skin as
well... I also squeeze fresh citrus juice over the entire bird and toss the
rinds inside too. The exterior gets rubbed with olive oil or butter and
then *sparsely* with a dry rub of powdered herbs and spices, never fresh
herbs (sparsely because seasoning on the exterior adds little flavor to the
flesh and too much will ruin the skin for those who enjoy eating crispy
skin). Fresh herbs go inside, a couple sprigs of fresh herbs inside the
cavity flavors the bird throughout the entire cooking time, on the outside
they add no flavor other than burnt and look like dermatitis. After the
bird comes out of the oven then a few sprigs of fresh herbs can make an
attractive garnish. If Koko presented her breasts to me and like that
chicken breast they were all pocked with what looks like melanomas my lips
ain't going there either.