Thread: Roasted Chicken
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koko koko is offline
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Default Roasted Chicken

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 18:33:03 -0600, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 17:23:12 -0700, koko > wrote:
>>Thank you Christine, I agree, nothing beats a well roasted chicken.
>>Tonight I'm going to simmer the skin and carcass and add it to the
>>stock I already have in the freezer. Dang, I wish I had some chicken
>>feet. Dang, I wish we lived closer to each other.

>We would be very dangerous, if we lived closer to one another..LOL.
>Not that we aren't anyway....
>You comin' out to NM again anytime? I am going to be having an
>unexpected "vacation", involving surgery on my bunion, and will be
>having some time off to recuperate. Once the pain is diminished,
>and I can be more mobile, I will be in "vacation" mode....
>Hmm...just realized it is about the two year anniversary of my

I've been seriously considering coming out. Dang, two years, we had
sooo much fun.


There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 07/25