In article >,
Peter > wrote:
> Omelet > wrote in
> news
> Om, I googled the pickled eggs 'recipe' you posted, and saw that you
> wanted to look into Claussens recipe.......... don't know if you have yet
> or not, so here ya are!!
> Part I
> 3 parts distilled water (important), 1 part distilled white vinegar
> (important), for every quart of this mixture add 2 tablespoons of
> kosher, non iodized salt (important) in a glass container (important).
> Part II
> In quart jars put, 1/2 tsp minced dried garlic, 1/4 tsp yellow mustard
> seed, 2-4 black peppercorns, 2-4 whole alspice, 1 to 1/2 whole dried
> cayenne pepper, a pinch of dill seed, a pinch of dill weed, a
> miniscule pinch of turmeric and either 1/4 tsp of sugar or a whole
> carrot, washed, sliced (as you like them) cucumbers.
> Part III
> Now take the brine mixture from Part I and bring it to a boil. Pour
> this mixture over the cucumbers and spices in the jars and seal. Put
> them in the refrigerator: Ready in 7-10 days. Keeps 8 - 19 weeks.
> Brine can be re used.
Had not looked yet so thanks! :-)
I actually have most of those ingredients on hand including the
distilled vinegar. I use it by the gallon for floor cleaning.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.