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Default PING MIRANDA=Spicy Japanese-style Mayonnaise

miranda!! i am writing this to you via this group because, somehow, i really
don't think the hilarious email addy you gave is very real. but i just
hadda write to tell you thank you for being funny in the all too often too
serious world of the internet!!!

i'd like to be friends with you, if you're willing cuz we have a lot in
common. i, too, LOVE kewpie mayo and didn't grow up with it but discovered
it whilst wandering through my fingers one day on the 'net. and, also, i,
too, LOVE marshmallow anything (including the flower).

just think...we could share jokes, recipes, flower seeds, etc. the email
address attached to this posting is my REAL address...but if you write me,
you'll hit the earthlink spam blocker..just ask to be admitted to the
address book and i'll come along and pick you up and we could go for a ride.
whaddya think??? ;p) drop me a line, miranda. and there shall be a brave
new world for us both.

> From:
> (Miranda Writes, Devil's Advocate)
> Organization: First Church of Binky The 900 Foot Carrot
> Newsgroups:
> Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 14:53:21 GMT
> Subject: Spicy Japanese-style Mayonnaise
> Steve Wertz > wrote:
>> On 20 May 2004 22:30:54 GMT,
>>> Nick's Spicy Japanese-style Mayonnaise
>>> 1 cup Real Mayonnaise
>>> 4 Tbs. lemon or lime juice
>>> 2 Tbs. soy sauce
>>> 1 Tbs. Wasabi powder
>>> 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper powder

>> I use wasabi and sriracha.
>> Speaking of Japanese mayo - does anybody really like that Kewpie
>> mayo? I guess it's something you have to grow up with.
>> -sw

> I really do like the stuff- and I can asure you I didn't grow up with it.
> (I was a Duke's and JFG baby...) What I dislike about Kewpie is the price-
> and that by the time the stuff makes it to our local Asian market we have
> to use it quickly as the expiration date is usually less than two months
> away.
> I'm glad to see other adding wasabi to their mayonnaise. My variation is
> the lazy woman's- instead of using wasabi powder, I usually add the wasabi
> paste ( the stuff in the tube) and soy sauce to the mayonnaise I've
> spread on my
> ****** ATKINS DIETER ALERT******
> The remainder of the sentence contains a word that will make yous screech
> " CARBS!"
> ****** *******
> bread when making a sammich and mix it all together into a gloriously
> murky-green mess.
> Throw on some alfalfa sprouts, sliced tomato and avocado and you have
> attained nirvana.
> Miranda