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(2009-07-28) NS-RFC: Frozen peas
ChattyCathy wrote:
> Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> On the second question, MCINL.
> <g> That's what it's there for.
>> Half the time, I don't cook them at
>> all,
>> just thaw them under running water and add them to salads. The other
>> half of the time, I either add them frozen to something that's going
>> to be heated (casserole, curry, soup, etc.) or cook them in a tiny bit
>> of water on the stove, then add butter/salt/pepper.
> If we're having them as a 'stand alone' veggie I always nuke 'em. (I
> also add butter). On the odd occasion e.g. when using them in a curry,
> I'll throw them in frozen.
I enjoy them that way also.
To Pea Power!!