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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default (2009-07-28) NS-RFC: Frozen peas

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 11:44:26 -0400, Kate Connally wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:

> Peas, peas, beautiful peas! Peas are my favorite vegetable
> along with corn and lima beans. I always by frozen peas.
> Fresh are rarely available and when they are you pay a lot
> and get very little by the time you shell them. Canned peas
> are, of course, disgusting!

Amen to that! I hate canned peas.
> If I had no other use for the microwave I would still
> have one, if only to cook frozen peas. It is perfect.
> No mess, not bother and they come out perfect every time.

> I put them in a 1 qt. bowl, cover with plastic wrap and
> heat 4 minutes on high. Then I remove them from the
> microwave, stir them, add butter, recover, and microwave
> another 3 minutes. They are perfectly done to my taste
> everytime.

Do you fill up the whole bowl? <g> I usually do about 500g (approx 1lb) of
peas at a time and that takes about 4 minutes in my MW.

> When I have a vegetable as a side dish I almost invariably have peas.

We have them fairly often - DH likes them (even more than I do).

> Corn I use more in soups, stews, and casseroles, and on the cob. Limas
> I have more rarely because they don't do well in the microwave so I have
> to cook them in a pot of water on the stove and it's a PITA.

Have you tried peas and corn together? I like that combination too.

Chatty Cathy