KenK wrote:
>>Evidently there's a fair amount of prep work involved. Removal of
>>membranes and whatnot.. <yurk>
There's an Italian sauce made of brains.
Sauce Italian
Poach half a calf's brain or the same amount of ox or mutton brain in a
well flavored vinegar court bouillon and allow to cool.
Drain and pass through a fine sieve; place the puree in a basin and
whisk until smooth, and add to it a mayonnaise made form 5 egg yolks, 4
& 1/2 cups oil, the juice of 1 lemon, 1/3 oz. salt and a pinch of
pepper; finish with a good tbs. of chopped parsley.
This sauce is suitable for serving with any kind of cold meat.
Beignets de Cervelle -- Brain fritters
Poach the brains in vinegar court bouillon, remove and cut into thick
slices as evenly shaped as possible.
Marinate with oil, lemon juice and chopped fine herbs for 20 minutes.
Dip in batter and deep fry at the last minute taking care that the
batter becomes very crisp.
Just FYI i have never cooked nor eaten brains
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
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