8 Things You Never Knew About Sandra Lee
On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 00:44:13 -0400, Michael Black >
>On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Chemiker wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 20:50:07 -0400, Ubiquitous >
>> wrote:
>> OK, who's Sandra Lee?
>> Alex, wondering why he should care...
>I assumed she was Sara Lee's sister, or some other relative.
> Michael
OK, got to tell you this.
SWMBO knew a woman co-worker, one Betty Crocker.
No kidding, this is real. BC was a TeaSipper, aka a UTex
alum, who, when she attended UT - Austin, was assigned
a roomie named (wait for it!) Sarah Lee. Amazing what those
people in student housing can come up with. But then, UT-A
is a BIG university.
They weren't settled in a week, when they got a call from a
male UT student who claimed they just *had* to meet. The
girls finally went along with it, and they met (No kidding) student
Duncan Hines. They all became friends and, as I heard it,
drinking buddies.
Nobody can make up stuff like this. It's too ridiculous to pass
muster. Yet life makes fools of us all, and such stories can be
passed on to the grandkids.