Lin wrote:
> I just caught this article on Yahoo ...
> While much of the info is nothing new (and I think a lot of the weight
> gain is because people eat more since MSG excites nerves related to
> taste) there was one paragraph toward the end that I didn't know:
> "Limit making stews or soups in a crock pot, since slow-cooking tends to
> cause small amounts of glutamic acid to be released from the protein
> sources (e.g., meat, chicken) in the recipe."
> Hmmmm. Who wouldathunk?
MSG just can't get no respect. Now it's being blamed for making food
taste too good. The reality is that if your food tastes great - you can
blame it all on the cook. All the MSG in China ain't gonna help a poor
cook. Dumb article. Really dumb.
> --Lin