On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:19:18 -0700 (PDT), projectile vomit chick
> wrote:
>On Jul 30, 2:31*pm, Lin > wrote:
>> I just caught this article on Yahoo ...
>> http://health.yahoo.com/experts/weig...prising-ingred...
>> While much of the info is nothing new (and I think a lot of the weight
>> gain is because people eat more since MSG excites nerves related to
>> taste) there was one paragraph toward the end that I didn't know:
>> "Limit making stews or soups in a crock pot, since slow-cooking tends to
>> cause small amounts of glutamic acid to be released from the protein
>> sources (e.g., meat, chicken) in the recipe."
>> Hmmmm. Who wouldathunk?
>You know what makes all of this fatass epidemic real simple to figure
>out? Put down the ****ing fork and push away from the goddamned table
>once in a ****ing while, lardass! Stop shoveling food in your gaping
>maw 24/7 and watch those pounds just fly off! Move your fat bottom
>instead of sitting around all the time! Wow!
I wonder if you'd be singing the same old tired song if the shoe was on the
other foot. I know people who have glandular problems which precludes them from
loosing weight, they don't want to live their lives like that, but people like
you always want to tell them the way to live their lives is your way.