On Jul 30, 6:13*pm, Bubba > wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:19:18 -0700 (PDT), projectile vomit chick
> > wrote:
> >On Jul 30, 2:31*pm, Lin > wrote:
> >> I just caught this article on Yahoo ...
> >>http://health.yahoo.com/experts/weig...prising-ingred....
> >> While much of the info is nothing new (and I think a lot of the weight
> >> gain is because people eat more since MSG excites nerves related to
> >> taste) there was one paragraph toward the end that I didn't know:
> >> "Limit making stews or soups in a crock pot, since slow-cooking tends to
> >> cause small amounts of glutamic acid to be released from the protein
> >> sources (e.g., meat, chicken) in the recipe."
> >> Hmmmm. Who wouldathunk?
> >Bullshit.
> >You know what makes all of this fatass epidemic real simple to figure
> >out? *Put down the ****ing fork and push away from the goddamned table
> >once in a ****ing while, lardass! *Stop shoveling food in your gaping
> >maw 24/7 and watch those pounds just fly off! *Move your fat bottom
> >instead of sitting around all the time! *Wow!
> I wonder if you'd be singing the same old tired song if the shoe was on the
> other foot. I know people who have glandular problems which precludes them from
> loosing weight, they don't want to live their lives like that, but people like
> you always want to tell them the way to live their lives is your way.
Oh yes I knew someone would trot out the old "glandular problems"
saw. *yawn* My previous statements still stand, if people want to
not be fat then STOP EATING SO ****ING MUCH.