Revisiting MSG and Weight Gain
projectile vomit chick said...
> Oh yes I knew someone would trot out the old "glandular problems"
> saw. *yawn* My previous statements still stand, if people want to
> not be fat then STOP EATING SO ****ING MUCH.
Herein lies the problem. If you eat too much you'll die. If you don't eat
enough you'll die. Lots of folks just can't strike a happy medium, erring on
the side of eating too much.
MSG... my uncle worked with MSG at a food company back when MSG got a bad
name. His department's job was to break it down to the catalysts and enzymes
and list those so they wouldn't have to list MSG in the ingredients lists of
their products.
He died of a heart attack. He was 36 years old. The company went through
great legal expense to prove it wasn't their fault. We knew better. They won.
The BUMS!!!!!!