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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Revisiting MSG and Weight Gain

George said...

> Goomba wrote:
>> Andy wrote:
>>> MSG... my uncle worked with MSG at a food company back when MSG got a
>>> bad name. His department's job was to break it down to the catalysts
>>> and enzymes and list those so they wouldn't have to list MSG in the
>>> ingredients lists of their products.
>>> He died of a heart attack. He was 36 years old. The company went
>>> through great legal expense to prove it wasn't their fault. We knew
>>> better. They won. The BUMS!!!!!!
>>> Andy

>> And did the autopsy show drugs or anything in his system?
>> Young people who die early of heart attacks have been known to have
>> cocaine or other stimulants in their system.

> Or simply because of the genetic roll of the dice when he was conceived
> produced some congenital defect. A friend's friend 26 year old son died
> of a heart attack in his sleep just a few months ago. I know the
> pathologist who did the autopsy and she is quite competent and thorough.
> No drugs were involved. He had a congenital defect.

So, obviously there's no possible chance that years of exposure to MSG had
ANYTHING AT ALL to do with it???

Arguing for argument's sake is not considered good form.

Some people!!!
