Revisiting MSG and Weight Gain
Andy wrote:
> Mark Thorson said...
> > Andy wrote:
> >>
> >> MSG... my uncle worked with MSG at a food company back when MSG got a
> >> bad name. His department's job was to break it down to the catalysts
> >> and enzymes and list those so they wouldn't have to list MSG in the
> >> ingredients lists of their products.
> >
> > Baloney. There's plenty of disguised names for MSG
> > as ingredients that are MSG-rich, such as hydrolyzed
> > vegetable protein, sodium caseinate, beef flavor,
> > natural flavor, etc. None of these are a catalyst
> > nor an enzyme. As usual, you don't know what you're
> > talking about.
> What happened happened. Maybe I didn't explain it exactly right.
You were wrong. You did not know understand what
you were talking about.
> You're penchant for wanting to be an asshole is stunning.
Attacking the critic rather than the criticism is
the hallmark of a fool. You are a fool.