Ophelia wrote:
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Serene Vannoy" > wrote
>> ?
>>> ObFood: I came home exhausted, and the kid was making dinner. She doesn't
>>> cook much, and she wasn't impressed with her simple dinner of veggies and
>>> rice, but I loved it, and I so appreciated her taking care of us in that
>>> way.
>> She sounds like a good kid.
> And well loved
) There is a lot of love in that house
Yep. We're awfully lucky.
ObFood: Tonight, we stopped for hamburgers on our way home and got one
for the kid. Also, I got the best ever grape tomatoes for a dollar a
pound, and I'm gonna snarf a bazillion of them for "dessert".
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all other human conflict will not survive an online argument with
humourless feminists who are not afraid to throw rape around as an
example, your theory needs work." -- Aqua, alt.polyamory