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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Revisiting MSG and Weight Gain

Chemiker said...

> On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:20:47 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>projectile vomit chick said...
>>> Oh yes I knew someone would trot out the old "glandular problems"
>>> saw. *yawn* My previous statements still stand, if people want to
>>> not be fat then STOP EATING SO ****ING MUCH.


>>MSG... my uncle worked with MSG at a food company back when MSG got a
>>bad name. His department's job was to break it down to the catalysts and
>>enzymes and list those so they wouldn't have to list MSG in the
>>ingredients lists of their products.
>>He died of a heart attack. He was 36 years old. The company went through
>>great legal expense to prove it wasn't their fault. We knew better. They
>>won. The BUMS!!!!!!

> Do you refer to the infamous GRAS list? (Generally recognized as
> safe....FDA)

Yes I did, as a reference for my senior high school project. I forget the
book I used... "Eat This!" ??

That was a long time ago.

I ****ed off the kitchen staff!!! They complained to the principal about my
tent cards at the tables. The principal was on my side but made me
apologize. I did with some regret. I did make a point.

> Monosodium glutamate (glutamic acid sodium salt) is pretty simple
> as molecules go. It contains no catalysts nor enzymes. Sort of like
> salt and corn syrup. It's at the level of amino acids.
> Does it hurt people? Yes, some, of whom I am one. MY heart,
> already compromised, goes berzerk when I eat MSG. My reaction
> is kinda like a diabetic shock or maybe post prandial dopiness.
> Really fun driving after a CHinese meal doped with MSG.....
> ALex

I'm familiar. I think it was termed "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome." After ~
20 minutes the flush at the back of the neck, etc. Some people are very
susceptible to the effect, others not.