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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight, 7/31/2009

On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:39:46 -0400, "jmcquown" >


Well done, Jill. I could have sworn I was reading my own recipe.

I'm sure they were delicious. As veal is hard to find where I am,
I made do with chicken breast "cutlets" and pounded slices of
pork loin. Both work well.

An amusing anecdote: While in BudaPest last year, I ordered
the BecsiSzelet, which is WienerSchnitzel, AKA Veal Picatta in

The cutlet I got was the size of a baseball glove. It was heavily
breaded and the meat was a greyish-brown. Imagine an old
chicken-fried steak, deep fried in old oil, served as veal. I suspect
it was round.

I sent it back to the kitchen, but they were indifferent and
I paid the full price. Oh, you don't like it? Tough $**t.

With the week, I ordered the same dish at a restaurant not
3 blocks away, and was served an absolutely elegant and
delicate cutlet. And cheaper.

This is one of the world's classic dishes, IMHO. Simple in
principle, easy to make, I mean in that part of the world
any pubescent female who watched mama knew how to
throw a cutlet! But I wander.

Thanks for posting this. I commend it.

Alex, making chick paprikas for one tonight.

BTW: I like chicken fried round steak, but with white
gravy well laced with BP.