> wrote:
> "brooklyn1" wrote:
> Home grown beebleberries:http://i27.tinypic.com/1ramw3.jpg
> http://i31.tinypic.com/2vxlvyo.jpg
> This year my garden is totally drowned, I'm happy my blueberry bushes
> haven't died.
Beautiful berries! Are you going to eat those as is or are muffins or
pancakes in your near future?? Did your bushes produce enough for you
to can or freeze??
I have 12 bushes, four kinds, 3 of each, that produce early, mid season, and
late.... I get a bowlful as pictured each day. Most I eat as is, freshly
picked blueberries are too good to use for baking/cooking.... there is no
comparison to store bought. Some I eat with vanilla ice cream or vanilla
yogurt or cotage cheese. I recommend that anyone who has a sunny spot and
they don't intend to move anytime soon that they plant as many blueberry
bushes as they have room. Blueberries are a long lived plant, they grow
slow and steady over many life times. My bushes are farily small so I don't
get too many berries but each year I get more. They were seven year old
bushes when I planted them three yrears ago. Blueberry bushes should be
planted like five feet apart as they will become quite large in time. In
another three years I will have to begin cooking and freezing some.
Actually I picked enough to fully fill that bowl but they are so good that I
eat half while picking. You should see the frustrated crows attacking my
netting... I feel sorry for them, they look like they will have a stroke.