On Aug 1, 11:37*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> http://www.recfoodcooking.com
The questions are two disparate items:
Is grazing given or theft?
Is prodding produce okay?
Fer example:
In Nancy's post, Dear Ol' Grandpa went through the produce dept.
snagging items and eating them then-and-there with no intention of
In your question, you intimate that produce that is pinched, poked,
and prodded will be tossed eventually because no one will buy it.
Given what I see at several local grocery stores, this isn't true.
Some customers are willing to simply walk up to a bin, load up a bag
and toss it in the cart, never checking or caring what they are
planning to purchase. Others are capable of viewing a fruit and
through black magic (osmosis of fruit-to-hand-color-to-eye) determine
a fruit's worthiness. Others utilize more (touch) to make their
purchases. The whole difference is a majority of these customers are
going to pay for their final choices.
The Ranger