Thread: Grazing
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Grazing

In article >,
Bob Muncie > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Bob Muncie > wrote:
> >
> >>> I've never seen them weighing all the produce they toss. It's all mixed
> >>> up in boxes. Some goes down the garbage disposal, some goes to the food
> >>> bank.
> >>>
> >>> Occasionally, I'll get them to mark some of the more choice produce down
> >>> for me, such as artichokes and mushrooms. <g>
> >>>
> >>> But, I agree with the OP. That guy was not shopping, he was stealing.
> >>> Period.
> >> Om - You will notice I did not use the word weigh anywhere. There will
> >> be items measured that way such as bulk nuts, but most other items have
> >> real numbers. 1 pallet, 1 crate, x number of 3 lb bags, etc.
> >>
> >> And mark downs are still captured by the cash register.
> >>
> >> Bob

> >
> > Ok, thanks... But I have to wonder how they account for what is disposed
> > of or goes to the food bank vs. what might be stolen by grazing.

> There is a small percentage (based per company) that is assumed to be
> waste (rot normally), the rest is accounted for in writing such as
> donations. That is the business way.
> The stolen part is assumed also as a small percentage. But it going up
> does increase the price to the consumer.
> I had a next door neighbor that worked at a Meijer's explain it to me at
> one time over a couple of beers.
> Bob

Got it.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
