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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Some thoughts on Gin

"Dale P" > wrote in message
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I enjoy a gin & tonic in the summer. Very refreshing light taste, it goes
>>with most anything. I also subscribe to the idea that life is too short
>>for cheap booze. Sitting on the shelf, the cheap and the good stuff look
>>pretty much identical, but the smoothness and flavors are worlds apart.
>>This is true for gin, bourbon, Scotch, whatever.
>> This week I decided to try two gin brands that I've never had before.
>> One is great, the other turned out a bit disappointing (but won't be
>> wasted).
>> The two I tried are New Amsterdam Diamond (a premium version) and
>> Tanqueray Rangpur.
>> Gin is flavored mostly with juniper berries, but also other botanicals
>> that give it a distinct flavor. The combination of botanicals is what
>> makes each distinctive. The fact that anything is added is what makes it
>> different from vodka. They both start out the same way in the
>> distillation process.
>> The New Amsterdam is smooth and has pleasant flavors. It may become one
>> of my favorites. The Rangpur is infused with Rangpur lime and, in my
>> opinion, has too much of it. I'll probably use it mixed with other
>> juices for a cocktail rather than plain gin or a G & T. So far, by all
>> time favorite is Hendrick's. It is infused with cucumber. That alone
>> makes it the same as eating a salad, right?
>> A few years ago Tanqueray made a version called Malaaca, from a very old
>> recipe. I really enjoyed that also, but it is gone from the market. I
>> hope they bring it back some day.
>> Personal taste will vary, but if I had to list my favorites I'd rank
>> them:
>> 1. Hendrick's
>> 2. Bombay Sapphire
>> 3. New Amsterdam Diamond
>> 4. Tanqueray Malaaca (discontinued)
>> 5. Bombay London Dry
>> 6. Plymouth
>> 7. Boodles
>> 8. Tanqueray Ten
>> 9. Beefeater
>> 10, Tanqueray London Dry

> I do not like too many botanicals. As and example, I really do not like
> Bombay Sapphire. I have not tasted most of your list. I used to own a
> liquor store, so got to sample the items with no expense. We still only
> like the Beefeater. A Beefeater classis martini is our favorite steak
> house cocktail. At home we occasionally have one, or a gin and tonic.
> Father in law said he thought gin and tonic was too sweet, and I told him
> to not put in so much tonic!! Oddly, I can drink (sip) scotch all evening
> and not feel much buzz, but a gin and tonic can put me in the chair!!
> Either way, it is a great hot weather drink. It was developed by the
> Brits when they were in India. The tonic (quinine water) was thought to
> counter the malaria, and the gin made it tolerable to drink.

I can't agree with the "tolerable to drink" part, plenty of folks drink gin
neat, in fact it's the only way to drink top shelf gin. Anyone using a top
shelf gin in a cocktail other than a 2ni is wasting their money... anyone
orders a Boodles n' tonic the bartender will mumble idiot all the way to the
register... in a restaurant the wait person will usually bring your tonic
made with house gin, bartenders know it's not possible to tell the
difference... only the nitwits order top shelf booze without watching it
being poured. And any booze flavor-enhanced ('specially vodka) with such
things as hot pepper, mint, citrus, cinnamon, etc, is because it was a bad
batch that couldn't be sold unflavored... they ain't gonna dump thousands of
gallons of skunky booze, so what do they do; add flavoring/perfumes (usually
artificial), put it in a fancy schmancy bottle, charge an extra fancy
schmancy price, and the idiots love it. Flavored vodka is an oxymoron. In
the US all tonic water by law must display in large print "Contains
Quinine"... some folks have an adverse reaction, many prescription drugs are
adversely affected... no one should indulge in large quantities of
tonic/quinine water as a beverage, it's not sody pop.