flying food
A.T. Hagan wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:37:39 GMT, Ariane Jenkins
> > wrote:
>>On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:36:46 -0800,
>>Jeff Bienstadt > wrote:
>>>Don't forget the fresh durian.
>> Argghhhhh! I was trapped in a warm car with a trunkful of
>>durian on our vacation. It took less than five minutes from the time
>>they were placed there until the reek had permeated the entire car.
>>First you could hear people politely and quietly trying to breathe
>>through their mouths as the stench grew. Then we gave up and opened
>>the window despite it being in the low 90's with humidity in the 80%+
>>outside. Try to imagine four desperate people in a Proton Wira, their
>>faces pressed against the window while silently debating if car
>>exhaust was better or worse than ripe durian. ;P
> Oh!
> This reminds me of one of my favorite Mark Twain stories. It's even
> food transport related.
> The Invalid's Story
> By Mark Twain
> I seem sixty and married, but these effects are due to my condition
> and sufferings, for I am a bachelor, and only forty-one. It will be
> hard for you to believe that I, who am now but a shadow, was a hale,
> hearty man two short years ago, -- a man of iron, a very athlete! --
> yet such is the simple truth. But stranger still than this fact is the
> way in which I lost my health. I lost it through helping to take care
> of a box of guns on a two-hundred-mile railway journey one winter's
> night. It is the actual truth, and I will tell you about it.
A wonderful story! Thanks for posting it here.