John Kane wrote:
>> Some of my neighbours aren't crazy about the geese that hang out at
>> their ponds. One of them says he is likes mowing the lawn with his lawn
>> tractor because when he did with with a push mower he was always
>> slipping in the goos shit. My next door neighbours spent a lot of money
>> to have a liner installed around the edge of their pond and then covered
>> with riprack which makes it difficult for the geese to get in and out of
>> the water. They still fly in and land in the pond but they don't nest
>> around it.
> They are bad enough around here that, I beleive that farmers on
> Amherst Island can get special hunting licenses for spring hunts.
> Apparently the free fertilizer does not outweigh ( possibly the wrong
> word) the damage they do while migrating.
They can also be a traffic hazard. The neighbour who had trouble
slipping and sliding in the goose shit has a large pond in his front
yard. There is another pond across the road from him, so geese are often
out on the road. Several geese meet their fate with cars there every
year. There is another pond just around the corner from him, and a large
lawn with a stream across the road from it. That is another goose
pedestrian area. I almost hit one myself this year. I was driving along
watching two geese waddling along one side of the road and coping with
their possessive nature when another suddenly swooped in for a pavement
landing. I don't know how I missed him. I was too busy watching the
other two.