Some thoughts on Gin
On Mon 03 Aug 2009 06:37:12p, Virginia Tadrzynski told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 5.250...
>> On Mon 03 Aug 2009 09:14:44a, pavane told us...
>>> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>| "blake murphy" wrote:
>>>| > On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 11:49:48 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>| >
>>>| >> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>| >>
>>>| >>>> It was developed by the
>>>| >>>> Brits when they were in India. The tonic (quinine water) was
>>>| >>>> thought to counter the malaria, and the gin made it tolerable to
>>>| >>>> drink.
>>>| >>>>
>>>| >>>>
>>>| >>> I can't agree with the "tolerable to drink" part, plenty of folks
>>>| >>> drink gin neat, in fact it's the only way to drink top shelf gin.
>>>| >>
>>>| >> The idea of adding the gin to the quinine was to make the quinine
>>>| >> tolerable.
>>>| MYTH!
>>>| > sheldon has reading comprehension problems.
>>>| >
>>>| >
>>>| My reading comprehension is a billion times better than yours, you
>>>| vulva faced ignorant mick...
>>> Do tell. Why don't you explain again why the already precooked ham
>>> has to be heated because it is uncooked?
>> ROTF!!!
>> It's too bad no one began keeping a record of such statemts of his.
>> :-)
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Vegetables are the food of the earth; fruit seems more the food of
>> the heavens. Sepal Felicivant
> Although I 'do' sometimes answer to Gin, I prefer the Arabic
> 'djinn'.......indicating an evil or ****ed off spirit. If I hear
> anymore of those thalidomide jokes it just may be put to the test.
> -ginny
Wayne Boatwright
We plan, we toil, we suffer in the hope of what? A camel load of
idol's eyes? The title deeds of Radio City? The empire of Asia?
A trip to the moon? No, no, no, no. Simply to wake just in time
to smell coffee and bacon and eggs. J.B. Priestly