all about custard (3 recipes)
"Giusi" > wrote in
> "Rhonda Anderson" ha scritto nel messaggio
> . Do you have a tried and
>> true pastry cream recipe Giusi?
>> --
>> Rhonda Anderson
> I have one I use, but I am not very happy with it. In very hot
> weather it doesn't thicken correctly. Same recipe works in winter.
I wonder what causes that. Another mystery of the kitchen :-) (well, I'm
sure it's not really a mystery, I just don't know the answer).
I see that Arri has posted a recipe so I might give that one a go. Just
need to hope I get around to it. I had plans to bake last weekend but was a
bit under the weather.
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
Core of my heart, my country! Land of the rainbow gold,
For flood and fire and famine she pays us back threefold.
My Country, Dorothea MacKellar, 1904