Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Aug 4, 1:18 am, "Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
>> August 4, 2009
>> Keeping Their Eggs in Their Backyard Nests
>> "As Americans struggle through a dismal recession, many are trying to
>> safeguard themselves from what they fear will be even worse times ahead.
>> They eat out less often. They take vacations closer to home. They put off
>> buying new cars.
>> And some raise chickens. Lloyd Romriell, a married father of four in Annis,
>> Idaho, recently received seven grown chickens and a coop from a relative.
>> The hens lay a total of about two dozen eggs a week.
> <snippage>
> Not my backyard, even though I have 2 acres and a structure formerly
> used as a coop. I just refuse to deal with shit.
> Cindy Hamilton
I would love to have 2 or 3 chickens living under my apple tree. (I
might actually get some worm-free apples that way)