"A Chicken In Every Backyard..."
Mark Thorson wrote:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> In some cities, the chicken craze has met with resistance, as neighbors
>> demand that local officials enforce no-poultry laws. In others, including
>> Fort Collins, Colo., enthusiasts have worked to change laws to allow small
>> flocks (without noisy roosters).
> One of my neighbors has a rooster, I often hear it
> in the early morning. But it must be far away, because
> it's rather faint. I'm glad it's not right next door.
>> Yet, even as many people see raising chickens as a hedge against hard
>> times - and a way to get tastier eggs and meat - they often acknowledge that
>> it is not really a way to save money on food.
>> "You can buy eggs in the grocery store cheaper than you can raise them,"
>> said David D. Frame, a poultry specialist who works with the Utah State
>> University Extension. "You're not saving money by doing it."
> Snails, on the other hand, can be raised for much
> less than they are worth. Snails in garlic butter
> are great.
You're welcome to all the snails in our garden. I'll furnish the garlic
butter. <G>