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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default "A Chicken In Every Backyard..."

In article >, "Phil..c" <invalid@invalid>

> So if you ever go to LOP Buri take the bus
> Weird place, you pay a local a few bob to mind the car .
> Minding the car service includes some really accurate sling shot
> folks . Every one has a sling shot and pebbles because of the damned
> monkeys .
> Trying to eat a meal at an outside stall is certainly entertaining
> Oh and they (the monkeys) bash up the chickens there .
> Once a year the locals throw a banquet for the things
> see
> The presentation and effort that goes into preparing this feast
> is just amazing
> worth watching for the food prep alone
> Cheers

Ugh. Reminds me of this place:

Time for lots of warfarin!
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
