Phil..c wrote:
> Vilco with respect :
> You may be in part wrong. Depends what scallop species you are talking
> about .
> Be advised that MOST species of scallops actually do have sexes
> and only some show signs of being hermaphrodites .
I'm talking about the ones I find here in Italy, dunno about others apart
from this ones, and this is not from crapopedia:
> As it appears the thread is talking about Northern Hemisphere species
> please have a look at
> Then do your own research .
> But to assist you and also perhaps inform the group
> when looking at scallops have a look at the colour of the Gonads
> In basic Terms RED for females white for males certainly in
> the Giant Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellicanus)
I've never seen a scallop with a white coral, but nice to know there are
many varieties, thanks.
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