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Felice Felice is offline
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Default A sandwich from my childhood

"Phil..c" <invalid@invalid> wrote in message
> Felice wrote:
> Have not read all of this thread just some .
> So if the recipe (g) has already been posted I apologise.
> It was just plain weird and maybe auto suggestion
> but I remember when very young and asked for a chicken sandwich
> and as no chook was any ones radar and got told eat your mutton .
> Damned mutton was sick of it by then .
> When a kindly uncle who was an ex POW took me out to the kitchen and
> said try this . Mock chicken sandwich .Being about 4 or 5 I had to ask
> what mock was.Was explained with patience and wit - Chap was just a
> lovely bloke .
> So he said you make it and I will show you a secret recipe .
> Plain white bread butter and salt and pepper Lots of both
> then folded it sort of tastes like chicken -- and still does .
> Just went and made one to reassure the taste buds (been decades)
> Not like real chicken mind you but sort of and much better than the
> mutton we were eating in those days .
> I have never seen any one else do it . Years later when in
> small crew 4 chaps we gave our ration packs away to some blokes
> who had not had a decent meal for some time and had to hastily leave
> a lot of their gear and food etc behind .
> Thus our troop only was left with tinned butter some bread and lots of
> salt and pepper and water an some brew makings TEA and sweetened
> condensed milk ( that I had been hoarding )
> Made up these sangers and said Mock chicken in chorus the scoffed them /
> there was not one complaint - and stuck to the ribs until the next meal
> some 3 days later . Talk about bread and water <g> after only two days
> three days turned out to be inaccurate as we got a meal when the fuel and
> other stuff turned up .
> We still hooked into the mock chicken for one more time .
> Then we had more rat packs than we knew what to do with .
> I think the black pepper with the salt after taste does the trick
> Oh btw not exactly my child hood as had my twenty first birthday during
> this event . Not exactly a magic twenty first .

What a lovely story, Phil! And how great that today that sandwich still
"sort of tastes likes chicken"!
