OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
sf wrote:
> I, personally, like the switch from styrofoam to paper. The goal is
> not to create more landfills. I also think biodegradable is a good
> because some people will always treat their surroundings like a big
> garbage can and leave it to others to pick up after them.
Having had to pick up way to much fast food garbage from my front lawn,
I have been known to pick it up and put it in my car and then on the
next trip past the golden arches I drive through the parking lot and
dump it there.
We have the Adopt A Road program around here where various groups
undertake to clean up litter along the side of the road a few times of
year. I do not participate. I clean up my own yard and expect others to
do the same. I would be more impressed with the program if places like
McDonalds and Tim Hortons sponsored the program, since their take out
containers account for most of the litter.