Calphalon pan
On Aug 5, 5:34*am, Becca > wrote:
> Here is a message from one of my friends. *Any advice?
> * * * **"I purchased a new stainless pan, made by calphalon, - the fish
> * * * and eggs stuck to it - what a mess, what did I do wrong? Do I have
> * * * to season a new stainless pan??"**
Tell her not to worry about seasoning, just adapt her cooking
technique. Heat the pan first, then add oil to coat the bottom of the
pan, then the food. Lay it in and leave it alone, do not try to move
it around prematurely. When it has cooked and adequately dried/
crusted, it will release from the pan without undue sticking.
Stainless steel is a great pan and saucepan material, you just have to
learn through experience how it works. I routinely cook fish fillets
and steaks in the ss pan. For eggs I use a small nonstick that I
bought just for eggs, so I'm not anti-nonstick entirely. But ss is
far superior for almost everything else. -aem