"A Chicken In Every Backyard..."
Nancy Young wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>> Just goofing. It amused me that they would have to add PETS ONLY,
>>>>> like they had people stopping in expecting them to butcher a
>>>>> chicken for them. What did they expect in a residential
>>>>> neighborhood.
>>>> Wonder what they would think if you stopped and bought a chicken and
>>>> then sacrificed it on their front lawn while doing a voodoo dance?
>>> (laugh) I think they'd be traumatized. I hate to tell them, I don't
>>> know anyone who has pet chickens, I don't think there's a huge market
>>> for them. Maybe the local 4H Club.
>> I was in 4H as a kid and so were my kids. 4H kids generally understand
>> that the critters they're raising are meant to be eaten. Those that
>> don't understand that don't stay in 4H long.
> I went to a couple of country fair type things lately, that's the only
> place I ever saw pampered and named chickens. But they didn't look like
> the eating kind, they looked like the decorative variety.
> I'm sure there is no such thing, of course.
> nancy
No, you're right, there are several varieties of decorative chickens. We
had some at one time, ours were feather footed bantams, they also had a
topknot. Their skin was black which made for a weird looking carcass
when you butchered them for the table. Still, they tasted like regular
chickens, only smaller. Then there's a variety that lays colored eggs,
locally called Easter egg chickens, those are also small and strange
looking but have pretty pastel blue, green, and pink eggs.