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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default OT, but it's not stopping anyone else

On Aug 5, 11:34*am, Tracy > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:31:07 -0400, Tracy > wrote:

> >> George Leppla wrote:
> >>> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> >>>news > >>>> "George Leppla" wrote:
> >>>>> I agree. *In the cause of limiting litter, I'd like to see a 5 cent
> >>>>> tax on
> >>>>> every Styrofoam cup.
> >>>> How would an added tax curtail littering? *That's just a price
> >>>> increase... there'd be no incentive other than to litter more...
> >>>> because you were forced to pay more, therefore let the gubermint
> >>>> stupidity create litter picker jobs paid for with more tax dollars. *
> >>>> When there is a deposit there is an incentive to return the item.

> >>> My thought was that if each cup cost 5 cents more, many places would
> >>> replace Styrofoam cups with paper/cardboard which are more biodegradable
> >>> and recyclable.

> >> In Massachusetts (aka Taxachusetts) there is a meals tax. As of August
> >> 1st it's 6.5%. So, soft drinks purchased at a fountain are already
> >> taxed. I have not seen Styrofoam cups in a LONG time - at least in
> >> places where you fill your own cup. It is not an incentive to not
> >> litter. People who litter will always litter.

> > I, personally, like the switch from styrofoam to paper. *The goal is
> > not to create more landfills. *I also think biodegradable is a good
> > because some people will always treat their surroundings like a big
> > garbage can and leave it to others to pick up after them. *

> Whenever I do see styrofoam I just have to shake my head. There is
> really no reason for it anymore. The only place I can recall seeing it
> recently is at the car dealership - where they have the self serve
> coffee - like a Keurig type machine. Oh, and there is a grocery store I
> go to on occasion which has the same set up.
> Tracy- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I like styrofoam because it keeps hot things hot and cold things
cold. Cardboard doesn't do that. Maybe I should just use coozies for
throw-away-container drinks....
