John Kuthe wrote:
> On Aug 5, 8:27 am, George > wrote:
>> Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
>>> On Aug 4, 7:15 pm, "Paco" > wrote:
>>>> You had better get on top of that "Can any of you be as stupid as Goomba"
>>>> thread by your boy Andy. The post count is starting to get up there. Best
>>>> to nip it in the bud, before it gets out of control, like "that other
>>>> thread".
>>>> --
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>>> "It's funny until someone gets hurt - then it's frikkin' hilarious!"
>>> If he misses being the 1,000th post, even I'm going to give him a
>>> boatload of crap, and we're old friends.
>>> --Bryan
>> Why do I get the really strong idea that you both met in an institution?
> Yeah we did!! The institutions's name was Lindbergh High School!
> Summer school 1975 I believe. I was taking Freshman English over
> (having failed it the first time) and I saw this pretty cool looking
> long haired guy walking around holding some papers looking kinda lost,
> and I asked him of I could help him. Turns out it was Bryan XXXXXXX,
> whom I'd heard of but never met (he was a year behind me in school)
> and he was looking for Freshman English too! So we found the
> classroom, and the rest is history!
> I'll let Bryan regale you with how we taught Mr Gormley how to teach
> Freshman English! :-)
> John Kuthe...
Somehow I pictured a different type institution with Bobo Bonbon saving
the world from telemarketers by abusing the callers and you saving
everyone from I don't know what on Usenet with your bizarre posts.