Jean B. said...
> Andy wrote:
>> Jean B. said...
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>>>>>> Goomba wrote:
>>>>>>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't know about the tomato soup, but Campbell's
>>>>>>>> totally screwed up the cream of chicken soup.
>>>>>>>> All I ever used to buy it for was making creamed
>>>>>>>> spinach, and now it can't be used for that.
>>>>>>>> Fortunately, there are some generic/store brand
>>>>>>>> cream of chicken soups that are copies of the
>>>>>>>> old Campbell's cream of chicken. Those soups
>>>>>>>> work fine for making creamed spinach.
>>>>>>> Have ya ever considered using.. you know.. cream for this instead
>> a
>>>>>>> can of modified starch?
>>>>>> No, because I avoid saturated fats. Also, my mom's
>>>>>> creamed spinach recipe is simple as dirt, only two
>>>>>> ingredients. And I like her version, it's what I
>>>>>> consider creamed spinach to be.
>>>>> I really don't like most foods that contain condensed soups. I am
>>>>> saying "most" because I may be forgetting something that I
>>>>> actually do like. I can't think of any such thing though.
>>>> Classic Green Bean Cassarole with toasted onions? <g>
>>> Ugh. I like my mom's version better.
>> On a sandwich? Now there's where I put my foot down!!!
>> What color is the sky in YOUR world?
>> Andy
> It's called thread drift....
But of course!
Where has my memory gone off to, again??
I have half a mind to have a corned beef sandwich.
There's a sandwich, imho!