(2009-08-06) NS-RFC: Power in the kitchen
ChattyCathy wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Ack! I need to rescind my vote, I made a mistake.
>> I counted my outlets yet totally forgot the outlet in the appliance
>> garage. This means I answered two questions incorrectly. I do
>> leave the coffee maker and the toaster plugged in in the garage.
> Ah well, can't say I blame you - one tends to forget these things when
> they're 'outta sight, outta mind'.
You know I was thinking about something else ... I mean, the 'do you
leave things plugged in' should have jogged my memory.
>> I believe those are the two appliances they recommend you do not
>> leave plugged in, and they are the only two I do.
> Obviously hasn't done any harm... <g>
Yet. (laugh) I had my kitchen remodelled some 12 years ago, maybe
more. I only counted the outlets over the countertops, I have an eat-in
kitchen so there are more. Code where I live requires there be an
outlet every six feet or so, I think that's pretty common. I have more
outlets than I could reasonably use.