A sandwich from my childhood
Victor Sack wrote:
> Felice > wrote:
> > Which was not spent in The Land of Peanut Butter and Jelly:
> >
> > Two slices of white sandwich bread
> > A generous slathering of Hellman's Mayo
> > Half a tin of King Oscar sardines
> > Two or three squirts of lemon juice
> > A thin slice of onion
> > Some crisp iceberg lettuce
> >
> > It doesn't get much better than this.
> For me, it was little open-faced sandwiches with but a single topping
> each: slices of white bread (baguette or similar), smeared with a bit of
> butter and topped with Hungarian salami, and French garlic sausage, and
> black rye also smeared with butter and topped with smoked eel, smoked
> halibut, and Kiel (or other Baltic) sprats. That used to be my
> breakfast for many years.
> Victor
That's more like what I grew up with as well. But add oatmeal bread with
Dutch cheese (doesn't matter which one..they're all good) or with
kokosbrood (thin slices of something distantly related to coconut ice)
or true pumpernickel with decent ham or salami...