New Ants Spell DOOM For Bees And Agriculture !!!
Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "Jean B." > wrote in message
> ...
>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>>> "Jean B." wrote:
>>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>> Saw a special on fire ants the other day and TAMU is experimenting with
>>>>> a fly that attacks the ants and kills them. Shows promise for
>>>>> eradicating a least one imported pest.
>>>>> Now, about them Formosan termites that ate two of my oak trees and are
>>>>> working on the last one we have.
>>>> But then the flies will probably turn out the be an issue. That
>>>> seems to be how things work.
>>> No problem. There's an exotic spider we can get which will
>>> eat up the flies after they've taken care of the fire ants.
>> And then? It is endless.
> Not always, no. Back in 1990 in SoCal we had a huge issue with ash white
> flies. They were so thick it was like everything was covered in gray dust.
> They swarmed in thick cloud formations and when you drove they would
> splatter against your car and cover the window. So they introduced a tiny
> little wasp from Israel and within a couple years the problem was all but
> eradicated. You sometimes see a few of them but but rarely. Some insects
> have such a limited number of food sources that when they exhaust a source
> they become self limiting themselves
> Paul
Too bad that is not always the outcome of such schemes.
Jean B.