"Dora" > wrote:
>Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/04/sc...=1&ref=science
>Interesting article, Greg - thanks for posting. Incidentally, it was
>mentioned in there that the introduction of Asian oysters was being
>considered. Thankfully, that idea has been abandoned because of fears
>that the foreign oysters would have a harmful effect on our native
I also enjoyed reading about the bay. I wonder how the blue crabs are
doing? I read a great book about 25 years ago on the blue crab
fishery "Beautiful Swimmers" if memory serves.
And while we probably do understand nature a little bit more than 30
years ago, I'd bet there are still large holes in this understanding
and intentionally introducing species is very risky. About 30-40
years ago a non-native fish was intentionally introduced by a
government agency and that turned out to be a total disaster with this
new fish eating the larval/juvenile stages of highly desirable game
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluestripe_snapper DOH!
On a more positive note, I usually wonder every late Nov. who the
ancient genius was that decided to use oysters as part of the
stuffing/dressing for turkeys and other poultry? Was alcohol
involved? Probably was for the Tur-duc-ken! :-)