On Aug 6, 5:27*pm, koko > wrote:
> Tuesday I went to the Farmers Mkt. I got some great veggies. Besides
> these I bought green beans, peaches, avocados, lemons, eggs and
> lettuce.http://i28.tinypic.com/2a7d7rb.jpg
> One thing that really caught my eye were the carrots. I can't believe
> how orange they are. They make the carrots I've been buying at the
> grocery store look anemic.http://i28.tinypic.com/2z8rhuh.jpg
> I'm getting those babies in some butter and eating them tonight.
> koko
> --
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *George Bernard Shawwww.kokoscorner.typepad.com
> updated 08/02
We've been hitting the Farmer's Market in Puyallup, WA- the veggies
are incredible! I've bought carrots, beets, green beans, raspberries,
peaches, and a few other things. The stuff is so much fresher and
tastier that what you buy at the store, and I like the idea of helping
the "little guys"...