koko wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 09:26:51 -0700, TammyM > wrote:
>> koko wrote:
>>> Far be it from me to disagree with an expert but...all I know is what
>>> I see.
>>> http://i29.tinypic.com/2q1gpz7.jpg
>> Koko, the carrots are lovely. And is that pearl couscous I see? If so,
>> WHERE DID YOU GET IT??? I've been trying to find some with no success!
>> TammyM, would LOVE a good source for pearl couscous
> It's Harvest Grains. I buy it at TJ's. It has Israeli couscous, orzo,
> baby garbanzo beans and red quinoa.
> I'll keep my eye out for pearl couscous and let you know if I find
> some.
Fabulous. And the nearest TJs is virtually next door to the Corti Bros
that Chris mentioned up thread! A great excuse to go to both of them.
I have a bit of coinage, I may trundle on over manana....