A sandwich from my childhood
Sandwiches from my childhood - all on white bread, IIRC, sometimes home
Cheese (tasty cheddar) and pickled onion
Vegemite and iceberg lettuce
Devon (similar to bologna I think) and tomato sauce (ketchup)
Leftover cold sausages and tomato sauce
Pickled onions and barbecue sauce
Others have mentioned sugar sandwiches - these were very rare but I do
remember having them on one or two occasions. Also banana or apple
sandwiches, with the fruit liberally sprinkled with white sugar :-)
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
Core of my heart, my country! Land of the rainbow gold,
For flood and fire and famine she pays us back threefold.
My Country, Dorothea MacKellar, 1904