dsi1 wrote:
> Sky wrote:
> >
> > I agree, Nancy - I was thinking phooey, too <G>! SS works very well,
> > and frankly, I try to get away from the non-stick stuff, although it
> > (the non-stick stuff) does have its uses. And SS, when soaked with a
> > bit of water for a short bit after cooking cleans up wonderfully!
> >
> > Sky
> Non-stick is a lot easier and faster to clean. You don't need to soak or
> any water. A paper towel works fine. I'll frequently rinse out a
> non-stick pan with water and put it back on the stove for immediate
> cooking. I don't even bother to turn off the stove cause it only takes a
> few seconds to clean the pan. SS would just slow me down.
I agree - nonstick always cleans faster than SS (stainless steel)
cookware. But, I've read in many sources there are potential issues
about non-stick cookware since it may emit toxic fumes when prolonged
high heat is used?? Not to mention, SS has more endurance and can
suffer high heat for longer times as long as there's good ventilation,
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
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