Sky wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> Sky wrote:
>>> I agree, Nancy - I was thinking phooey, too <G>! SS works very well,
>>> and frankly, I try to get away from the non-stick stuff, although it
>>> (the non-stick stuff) does have its uses. And SS, when soaked with a
>>> bit of water for a short bit after cooking cleans up wonderfully!
>>> Sky
>> Non-stick is a lot easier and faster to clean. You don't need to soak or
>> any water. A paper towel works fine. I'll frequently rinse out a
>> non-stick pan with water and put it back on the stove for immediate
>> cooking. I don't even bother to turn off the stove cause it only takes a
>> few seconds to clean the pan. SS would just slow me down.
> I agree - nonstick always cleans faster than SS (stainless steel)
> cookware. But, I've read in many sources there are potential issues
> about non-stick cookware since it may emit toxic fumes when prolonged
> high heat is used?? Not to mention, SS has more endurance and can
> suffer high heat for longer times as long as there's good ventilation,
> eh
I have heard of birds dropping dead from the out-gassing of overheated
non-stick pans. I can't say if that's real or just an urban legend -
whether it's true or not, the important thing is that I have yet to be
overcome by fumes. I have ruined pans from overheating but only because
I left them unattended. Kids don't try this at home!
Still, it's my nature to avoid drudge work when I can and having to
spend 20 or 30 bucks every once in a while to move things along faster
seems worth it to me. You are, however, correct on those 2 points.
Thanks for filling me in.
> Sky