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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default cleaning sea scallops

"bob in nz" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2009 10:14:28 +0200, "Giusi" >
> shouted from the highest rooftop:
>>"bob in nz" ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>"brooklyn1" < wrote in message
>>>>| Cold water seafood, especially shellfish, is far superior to that from
>>>>warm>>| water. I just do not believe someone as ignorant about foods as
>>>>you has
>>>>| ever cooked anything.

>>> I think Sheldon has made a valid point.

>>O yeah? Well that response was to my saying that in my experience
>>sold only as abductor muscles occurs only in the USA. So whether you only
>>like seafood from cold water or not doesn't have a hell of a lot to do
>>that, does it?

> I have no idea whether or not live scallops are available in the USA,
> but I'd be surprised if they're not. And the preparation of scallops
> without the coral in American restaurants is, IMO, an abomination. (I
> remember ordering scallops at what was recommended as Santa Barbara's
> (CA) finest seafood restaurant and discovering that I was only getting
> abductor muscles that looked like they were stamped out of surimi. And
> when I complained about them not including the coral, I was told very
> firmly that they didn't use the coral because it was "bitter." As it
> turned out, it was only Santa Barbara's most expensive seafood
> restaurant.)
> What I was agreeing with was Sheldon's opinion that shellfish from
> colder waters are superior to those from warmer waters. I still do.

It's not my opinion, that cold water seafood is superior is just a fact no
matter where on the planet... and live scallops (and other live shellfish)
are readily available in the US, just not in places like Iowa. When I lived
in NYC and especially on Long Island I could have live bivales, crustaceans,
and fin fish 24/7.... if I wanted a 70 pound live halibut, no problem... a
bushel of hours out of the sea scallops was easy. My best friend is a
striper fisherman, I can get whatever is running with a phone call. When I
lived there many an afternoon after work I'd pick flounder and fluke out of
the surf for dinner. Every south shore/north shore fish monger had live
scallops out the kazoo.