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notbob notbob is offline
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Default [OT] Finally, a good music website

I've finally found it, gang. A music playback website that doesn't suck.

You do a search and put in the song you are looking for by artist, album
name, title, etc, and it coughs it up and plays it. Not some lame youtube
live video taken by a some geek in Amsterdam or Tokyo on a 10 yr old vid cam
with crappy mono mike, but the real actual album cut you haven't heard for
32 yrs, that time when you where half looped off that bong full of Panama
red. No re-mastered, heavy on the bass, hip-hop remix with all the
background vocals erased and the drums overpowering everything. No, it's
the actual original you heard on your AR turntable through your Fisher 400
tube amp and Altec-Lansing speakers where the balances were Perfect! No bullshit
advertisments or left field promo songs by Homo and the Sapiens out of
Eyebrow MN, just the real deal, the original as you remember it. No 10 song
limit of THAT group, now you gotta listen to Bill Banana and the Bunch, The
Band With A Peel! What is this miraculous find?:

Amazing. It'll even play the whole album. I've found songs available,
seemingly, nowhere else. Album cuts so obscure it would be pointless to
name them. Old Brit raggae, Canadian folk songs, out of print albums, songs
even google can't find in any form, etc. If there is a catch (other than a
TOU agreement and registration/email), I haven't found it. I'm in Heaven.

enjoy =D