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Calphalon pan
Ophelia wrote:
> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Ophelia wrote:
> >
> >>>> I use Woll pans and cookware. They never stick and they don't have
> >>>> any coating. Expensive, but have never had to replace one. They are
> >>>> made in Germany and I can only buy them online or at exhibitions.
> >>>>
> >>> Never heard of them, but I will look. Sometimes Marshall's has
> >>> imported stuff, but I am sure not this kind, it sounds exclusive. I
> >>> got an amazing indestructible cookie sheet there, it was German too.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > That video shows you to be a liar. You wrote "they don't have any
> > coating,"
> > yet the video clearly states, "Aluminum-titanium oxides or diamond
> > crystals
> > are then applied to the cut and ground body". That's a COATING, you dunce!
> > What the **** did *you* think it was, if not a coating?
> As most people here, with even half a brain would know, I was talking about
> the nonstick coatings that scratch off.
> Now take your filthy mouth off and leave me alone!
Send me one of your miracle pans and I will be happy to show you it's
coating scratched off...