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Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. is offline
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Posts: 702
Default [OT] Finally, a good music website

notbob wrote:
> Amazing. It'll even play the whole album. I've found songs available,
> seemingly, nowhere else. Album cuts so obscure it would be pointless to
> name them. Old Brit raggae, Canadian folk songs, out of print albums, songs
> even google can't find in any form, etc. If there is a catch (other than a
> TOU agreement and registration/email), I haven't found it. I'm in Heaven.
> enjoy =D
> nb

File sharing? its the new version of 'fair use' with my mac as a toy i
have been down loading from for some time now.

WHen ever i mention it to a friend with a PC they freak out and start
warning me about all the virus's and stuff but i have never had a problem.

I could not get your link to load but i will try it with another browser

And here's a link that while it may duplicate any particular song your
site might have its such a good archive of a particular genera of music
i have to mention it.

You can search the archive by title or artist.


Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

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